Workshop on Compositional Software Architectures

Workshop Program

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Monday, January 5, 1998

Tuesday, January 6, 1998

Wednesday, January 7, 1998

Thursday, January 8, 1998

In More Detail

Structure of the workshop. The workshop consists of invited talks and breakout sessions.  Invited talks were selected by the program committee.  Breakout sessions are 2-3 hour working sessions focused on a topic, led by a moderator and recorded by a scribe.  Some breakouts will start with one or two summaries of relevant position papers skewed toward helping to introduce the session's topic.  Following a breakout session, in a plenary session, the moderator will present a summary of the breakout session and some discussion will occur.  The scribe is responsible for sending a 1-3 page summary of the session to by January 16, 1998, for assembly into a Workshop Report.

There will be four parallel breakout sessions to choose from plus a fifth room is available for birds-of-a-feather sessions or continuations of earlier breakouts that are productive and need to continue.  We'll do the actual assignment of breakout topic to meeting room at the workshop by polling the participants.   Rooms in descending size are San Carlos Ballroom, Ferrante I, Ferrante II, Salon 201, and Salon 205.

Rationale for workshop sessions.  Breakout Sessions are organized to encourage effective discussions in a cross-disciplinary workshop where the attendees are coming in with very different backgrounds, viewpoints, terminology and interests.

Seen from another vantage, there are collections of sometimes sequenced sessions that cover:

Breakout Session I - 2:00 - 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, January 6, 1998

I-1 Problem Definition by Application Architects

I-2 Extending Current Middleware Architectures

From the viewpoint of middleware architects, where are the critical shortcomings in current technology, what kinds of component-based development can be supported in the future, and what are the additional key architectural concepts, tools, and processes needed to realize this vision.

I-3 Challenging Problems in Middleware Development

I-4 Software Architecture and Composition

Breakout Session II - Wednesday, January 7, 1998

II-1 Economy of Component Software

II-2 Component Model Representation and Composition

II-3 System-wide Properties or Ilities

II-4 How do these fit in?

Breakout Sessions III - 2:00 - 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, January 7, 1998

III-1 Scaling component software architectures

III-2 Adaptivity of component software architectures

III-3 Quality of Service

III-4 ORB and Web Integration Architectures

Breakout Sessions IV - 8:30 - 10:30 a.m., Thursday, January 8, 1998

IV-1 Working Toward Common Solutions

IV-2 Towards Web Object Models

IV-3 Standardized Domain Object Models

IV-4 Reifying Communication Paths