Instrumentation / Profiling Software

Paul Pazandak
Object Services & Consulting, Inc.

Given the need within the DASADA project for software-based instrumentation tools that we can use to insert (Java-based) probes, I performed a reasonable scan on the internet for available systems. Using this list I derived a classification system (hence it could evolve) to help describe the available systems. We make this available for informational purposes and for anyone interested in (java-based) instrumentation and profiling software.  If anyone wants to contribute, please forward references/reviews of the given systems (tools written in other languages welcome). [Disclaimer: As probe tools are secondary to our contract the reviews are not intented to be comprehensive in nature.]

Note: I've also added some non-Java based probe references at the bottom.


Classification Scheme

I have divided the tools into the following categories and sub-categories:

other categories??
[Some systems fit into multiple categories.]

Java-based Systems/Tools


External Application


    Source Code

    Bytecode (ROTS unless otherwise noted) Each provides at least a basic ability to modify java bytecode.

     Canned Commercial Tools




    Source Code
    Bytecode (e.g. DLLs)

NA - Does not appear to be an active project / tool 

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